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Kolbenstange, laserbeschichtet

Piston rods


Lasercladding has established itself as a new technology for improved corrosion protection of hydraulic piston rods for the offshore, shipbuilding and heavy industries.


The characteristics of the laser-coated piston rods are:

  • The piston rods are protected by a completely sealed and metallurgically bonded layer.

  • The piston rods can be repaired in the factory or offshore using conventional welding processes

  • The corrosion resistance exceeds the values ​​of chrome bars.

  • The properties of the protective layer can be adapted to the specific wear pattern of the piston rods


Piston rods of the following dimensions can be used with

the FLEXCELL system:

  • Diameter up to 800 mm

  • Length up to 19 m


innojoin has further developed laser coating in order to meet the specific requirements of hydraulic piston rods.

  • The result is a laser process that is characterized by:

  • Very little heat input into the piston rod and therefore practically no distortion

  • Minimal mixing of the coating with the base material for optimal corrosion protection

  • Very homogeneous and constant weld seam quality.

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