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Consulting, welding technology, prototypes, test items

Consulting joining technologies
The origin of the innojoin company is engineering services. Your development or research projects, but also the production of prototypes or sophisticated series parts, are our daily business.
We love helping you get your projects up and running.
innojoin is THE competent contact for companies with demanding joining tasks. With the deepening of the range of services, innojoin brings in the internal joining technology expert knowledge in the interests of the customer for his requirements and needs.
Benefit from our extensive experience from our own production and a large number of projects that have been carried out.
Tell us about your task to optimize production processes or to integrate new processes into your production.
All your concerns are processed by our engineers with the experience of our own production. In addition to topics related to the processes of laser deposition welding, thermal spraying, reactive nanofoils and laser welding, we are available for the planning and coordination of development projects, test items or general questions about laser technology.

Planning and coordination of your test series
Execution and testing of titanium weld samples
Would you like to investigate a question from the field of mechanical engineering, joining technology, etc.?
We plan a corresponding test program with you, coordinate and commission the production of the test items and their testing and document all work and results in a report.

According to your requirements, combined with our experience, we plan and manufacture prototypes and accompany the test in your company.
Planning the test item / trial program with the client
Selection of manufacturing and testing institutions
Detailed scheduling
Coordination of the production of the test items
Supervision of the experiments to be carried out
Constant schedule control
Evaluation of the test results
Documentation and presentation of the exams and test results